Launch Time Is Here – How to Create an Online Buzz

Clients • 8th Jul, 15


After working for what seems like forever, the time is here and the big day has arrived at last!  With your product finally being ready to launch, it’s time for you to kick off your online marketing campaign which should result in customers rolling in.  There are certain things you should avoid doing to make sure that things don’t go completely wrong. 

The majority of the time there’s one thing that you did wrong which affected everything – you started to market way too late.  In order to ensure success you’ll have to build an online buzz well before the time of your actual product launch.  By creating up-front excitement, it won’t be long before customers are queuing up to get in on all of the excitement.

This will take a lot of work, but all of it will be worth it in the end.  A successful example of this would be when Apple creates excitement and a buzz about their new products which comes about just after a new product has been launched and lasts anything from 6 months to a year!  Although your business or brand might not be as big as Apple, there’s no reason that you can’t build the same online suspense and anticipation.  The trick to do this is to keep an element of mystery all the while dropping hints of great things to come.  One way of doing this would be to create a “coming soon” message on your website and across all social media platforms, posting teaser videos on YouTube, and the list of possibilities just goes on and on.  The only thing which is limiting you is your imagination, so be sure to think of new and fresh ideas. 




By getting the right bloggers to talk about your product, you’ll amplify the buzz around it by tapping into their audience and base of followers.  Try to come up with as many unique angles as you can, and then send a different one to each blogger to avoid them getting bored with the same thing and losing interest.  Be sure that you’re selecting bloggers who relate to your product specifically, otherwise it’s rather pointless. 

Giving customers exclusive pre-launch access to your product will also create a buzz around your product and is sure to get people talking.  This will have the best results if you are launching an information product or service, giving you massive online coverage.  If you’re planning on launching a physical product, you could employ a queue when they sign up and let them know that if they get their friends to sign up too then they will move up on the list.  

If you really want to get people engaged, then give them a behind-the-scenes look at your creative process and how it all came about.  Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be giving away too much, but only a set of teasers which will get consumers eager to know more.  You could talk to staff members and share how they feel about the launch and why they’re excited, pumping up the audience.  You’ll need all the help you can get if you want your launch to be successful, so remember to plan properly and ensure that you have enough time to accomplish everything that you need to.    


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