How to Market Your Blog

Digital Marketing • 31st Mar, 16


If there’s one thing that maintaining a business’s online presence makes clear, it’s the importance of marketing your marketing. Your business’s site, used well, might be a solid platform for promoting the visibility of your business; but unless you ensure that the site itself is visible too, that’ll more or less add up to renting out billboard space in Pripyat. See what we mean?

No, if you’re going to get folks to visit your site, you’ve got to bellow about it somewhere crowded. In other words: social media links. That, as more or less any modern business owner can tell you, is the key. Posted a new article? Tweet about it at least five times. It’s got to be seen, and on the average Twitter user’s feed, any Tweet that’s older than ten minutes is lost to the ages.

And of course, while there’s plenty of social media platforms out there for you to use, make sure you pick the ones that’ll tap into your specific target demographic. For instance, try not to use Friendster if your target market consists of people who aren’t dead.

And work in your blog address anywhere you can; putting it alongside your email address – on business cards, invoices, letterheads, publications, PowerPoints, all that stuff – might seem like a minor touch, but, assuming you’re putting out sufficient feelers, that’s the sort of thing that’ll add up to make your visibility climb.

Make guests post on other blogs. Asks for plugs. Tell your friends to shoehorn your blog into party conversations. Take part in online discussions related to your field. Make intelligent, well-crafted, non-bot-like comments with your blog’s URL discreetly slipped in there somewhere. Seriously, minor efforts like that, heaped up, are the first step toward seeing your business’s online presence flourish. Don’t let up; just push your business’s name further out there (but, you know, measure it out – nobody likes spam), and keep your eye on that coveted Google Top 10. Everything seems impossible until it’s done.


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